Online Poker

I have registered to play in the PokerStars World Blogger Championship of Online Poker! The WBCOOP is a free online Poker tournament open to all Bloggers, so register on WBCOOP to play.

Registration code: XXXXXX 583941

Thursday, August 02, 2007

last night was the 1st uk gambling forum league freeroll on pokernordica.
42 started with 5 being paid,,,unfortunately we had some gatecrashers as the password was passed around to 8 people who shouldn`t have had it,but hopefully that won`t happen in future games.
it was the 1st time i had played with this software and found it quite good,
i finished 5th in the end for $32 so wasn`t too disappointed

1 comment:

nhggfu said...

< fish><

next game on tuesday.. I'll bring my rod. :)
